Import a classic car
Oldtimer import? SCL does it for you! We take care of the whole process and arrange everything from A to Z. Besides transport, we also take care of customs clearance, inspection and registration. Even an on-site purchase inspection is possible. This way you buy your imported classic car without any hassle. Discover the possibilities and request your free quote.
Old-timer imports: here's how it's done!
Whether you want to import an old-timer within or outside the EU: we help you. We pick up the car at your doorstep and deliver it ready to drive in the Netherlands. How we do that, we explain below. Who would have thought that importing a vintage car could be so easy?
- Pick up: We pick up the vintage car from the seller and transport it by road transport to the most logistically convenient port of departure.
- Shipping: There the car goes into the container and on board the ship that ships the car to Rotterdam.
- Unloading: Once in the Netherlands, we unload your vintage car and check its condition after transport.
- Customs Clearing: Next, we clear the oldtimer through customs and hand over all the necessary documentation for smooth handling.
- Inspection: Meanwhile, we assess whether your car complies with all Dutch laws and regulations. If necessary, we carry out minor modifications.
- Registration: We register your car at the RDW and immediately apply for a Dutch license plate.
- Declaration: We also declare the bpm to the tax authorities. This is mandatory (in The Netherlands), even if your oldtimer is older than 30 years.
- Cleaning: All the paperwork taken care of? Then we clean your car thoroughly after the long journey and mount the license plates.
The only thing you need to do before you can hit the road is to get car insurance. You can do this easily online, as soon as you have your Dutch license plate. We will keep you informed throughout the process.
Extra: purchase inspection
Importing a car you've never seen in real life is pretty exciting. We can imagine that very well at SCL. That's why we also offer purchase inspections. Upon special request, we send an independent inspector to the seller to assess the condition of the car. That way you know exactly where you stand before you proceed to purchase the vintage car.
Oldtimer import costs
Want to know how much it costs to import a vintage car? That depends on several factors. Think about the type of transport, the country the oldtimer has to come from and the condition of the car. You also have to take into account VAT and import duties when importing oldtimers. In addition, sometimes modifications are needed to your car to be allowed on the road in Europe.
Ask for a free quote! Then we will map out all the costs for you
Choose your transportation package
Economy Class: The most budget-friendly mode of transportation. In Economy Class, we ship your vintage car on a consolidation basis. This means that your car is loaded into a container together with other vehicles. We only leave when the container is full.
Business Class: In Business Class we ship your car together with a maximum of two other vehicles in a container. We guarantee that your car is directly and securely on the floor. This makes it the ideal option for fragile cars, or a lowered body.
Special Class: A container exclusively for your vintage car. That's what you get with our most premium mode of transport: the Special Class. Your car can go directly on the first available transport. And if that's not fast enough, even air freight is an option.
Roll on, roll off: Old-timers that are higher than 2.40 m, such as a camper, truck or motorhome, we transport by means of 'roll on, roll off'. Here we drive the vehicle directly onto the ship. The only drawback? This is not possible from every port.

View all transportation options
Or go for road transport
In some cases you can choose road transport in addition to shipping. For example when you import the oldtimer from another country in Europe. Based on the value and condition of the vehicle, we make our own recommendation for this.
Open trailer: For relatively cheap vehicles with a value of around €10,000, - which are easy to drive, road transport by open trailer is a good transport method. We pick up the oldtimer from the seller, fasten it securely to the trailer, and drive it straight to its destination.
Closed transport: For vintage cars that are in poor condition, closed transport is a better option. By poor condition, we mean, for example, a car that cannot drive, steer or brake on its own. Or a car that is not one piece. These are the real restoration projects.
Special transport: For high-quality oldtimers with a value of more than €25,000, we recommend special transport. Here we combine the use of a closed trailer on the road with the Special Class at sea. Thus we protect your oldtimer optimally against external influences.
Get your insurance
By default, you import your vintage car without insurance. But because they are often unique cars, we do recommend taking out insurance. Do you choose to move your car via SCL Rotterdam? Then we can help you with that too. Through our insurance agent you can take out 2 types of transport insurance.
- All-risk The all-risk insurance covers all damages caused to your oldtimer during transport. From scratches and dents to a total loss. In every conceivable scenario. So also in case of fire and theft.
- Total Loss A total loss insurance only covers the damage if the oldtimer is declared a total loss. For example, because the container fell off the ship. Minor damage caused by transport is not covered.

Questions? Get in touch!
SCL Rotterdam has been the specialist in classic car export for almost twenty years. We like to use our experience to give you the best possible service. We give sound advice, so that you know exactly where you stand and make tailor-made packages, so that you never pay too much. Our employees are not only professional, but also passionate. So with us, your vintage car is in good hands.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us! Whether it's for a detailed quotation, advice on the best way of transportation, or something completely different. We like to think along with you. You can reach us every working day between 8:30 and 17:00 at +31 (0)10 427 7720, or sales@sclrotterdam.com.