Get in touch:
+3110 427 77 20
Get in touch:
+3110 427 77 20

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be aware that criminals have recently copied SCL Rotterdam's website in an attempt to support criminal activities in fraud with escrow payment services. Always verify if you are visiting our real website and are in contact with one of our real representatives.

The criminals operate in the domain of 'Escrow Fraud'. Posing a foreign seller, they will post fake vehicle advertisements. Once you have come to an agreement, the seller will advise to use an escrow payment service with a fake escrow and shipping company. We know these criminals have been using a fake company called "Fair Shipping and Escrow Service Limited" operating on the website "" (do NOT visit this website). They may also use their recently created fake copy of SCL's website using the domain "" (do NOT visit this website).

Do not engage in business with anyone using these fake domains to communicate with you, for example via email. An email address ending in "" does not belong to the real SCL Rotterdam.

The easiest way to confirm if the website or email is real is checking the domain. The real one is the correct spelling of Rotterdam with 2 times the letter "t" in it. The fake one only has 1:

scl domain comparison 

If you are ever in doubt, simply contact us by phone using +3110 427 77 20. If you would like to verify this phone number, Google for "SCL Rotterdam". Our company listing appearing together with our location and physical address will contain the same phone number, perhaps without the addition of country code +31 depending on your browser language settings.